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WebWave drag and drop website builder lets you create unique websites. You can build your website from scratch by starting with a blank page, or choose various website templates from our free collection and modify them according to your needs. With WebWave website builder, you have a complete website design and hosting system at your fingertips.

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15 January 2019

Register a new domain

Websites built in web design software WebWave are viewed under subdomain webwavecms.com by default. It means that your website might get a site address like http://SiteID.webwavecms.com.

To every website built in WebWave you can easily link your own domain and your site address will change to http://YourSiteName.com.

In this article you will learn how to build your website with your own site address. 


There are two ways you may accompish it:

  1. Register a new domain through WebWave CMS interface - in this article you will learn how.

  2. Redirect already an existing domain registered at a third-party reseller - read more.



Register a new domain

To register a new domain in website builder WebWave, open the Webmaster's panel and  select "Register a new domain".



In a new window in the"Register new domain" section select a website to which you want to register the domain.

In the new window enter a domain name  you would like to register and check if it is available.



If it is available, you will see its price

To register a new domain, press "Register".



After payment your domain will be automatically registered and configurated. Keep in mind that after registration new data is transferred to DNS servers and it can take up to 24h. If your website doesn't display right away, give it some time.