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WebWave drag and drop website builder lets you create unique websites. You can build your website from scratch by starting with a blank page, or choose various website templates from our free collection and modify them according to your needs. With WebWave website builder, you have a complete website design and hosting system at your fingertips.

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30 July 2021

Terms of affiliate program in Webwave

WebWave CMS - www webpage creator without coding - has it's own recommendation program.


For every person that registers a Free Account via your affiliate link, you will recieve a 30% commission on any hosting plans that they purchase and continue to renew.

In addition, every person you recommend to WebWave to will recieve a 50% discount* on the purchase their first Paid Plan (Starter, Pro or Business Plan) which must be used within 7 days from registration of their Free Account.


*Please note that the 50% discount does not apply if the first plan purchased is by an Agency Account user as hosting plan rates for Agency Account users are already discounted by 50%.

Apply to WebWave partnership program

Commission from recommendation first line

Commission from recommendation second line

Affilate program


Apply to WebWave partnership program


  1. Click "(Recommend and earn)" on the right side of your Webmaster Panel. Fill out the text box, explaining briefly about how you'd like to recommend Webwave and click "I'm beginning to recommend".

  2. After clicking the button, the recommendation panel will show your unique Affiliate Link and information about:

    - The total commission you have earned
    - the number of users who have registered an account with WebWave using your link
    - the number of websites they have connected to paid plans

  3. You can copy the link and put it in your promotional materials or send it directly to a person who is interested in creating a website in Webwave.



Commission from recommendation first line

  1. New user registers from your recommendation link. In the moment when they pay Premium Plan, 30% from their pay goes to your recommendation account.



Commission from recommendation second line

Partnership programme in Webwave has been created in a way so that you can earn money not only from payments made by directly recommended user, but also from second line recommendations. Commission then is 20%.

YOU > A user from your recommendation > B user from user A recommendation


In situation shown on scheme:

  1. When B user pays Premium Plan, user A gets 30% commission and YOU will get 20% commission from user B payment.
  2. In case when A user does a webpage for their customer and sends them the bill for Premium Plan, 30% commission goes to A user, and YOU will get 20% commission.

Funds raised that way can be destined for WebWave services. If you raise at least 500USD, you can pay it into your bank account.