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15 January 2019

How to transfer Premium Plan between websites

When you purchase Premium  Plan for your website, it can then be connected to a domain name of your choice. Paid Plans are not eternally linked to one website,  they can be easily transferred to another website created in WebWave. For example, if you are building a new version of an existing website, you can link the new website to previously activated Premium Plan.


If for some reason, you decide to delete a website created in WebWave with an active Paid Plan, it won't go to waste. You can link this Paid Plan to another website.


Transfer Premium Plan to another website

  1. Go to Webmstaser's panel and on the right side of the website select "Premium Plans" and "Manage Premium Plans". 

  2. In the new window select "Change" next to the website with active Premium Plan that you'd like to transfer.

  3. Select a new website which you'd like to transfer Premium Plan to. If you want to transfer domain and mail too just keep selected "Switch also domains and mail"