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WebWave drag and drop website builder lets you create unique websites. You can build your website from scratch by starting with a blank page, or choose various website templates from our free collection and modify them according to your needs. With WebWave website builder, you have a complete website design and hosting system at your fingertips.

This website was created with WebWave.

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23 February 2019

FreshMail - Newsletter handling system

A newsletter allows you to stay in touch with customers and inform them about news, changes, sales and updates in your company. With WebWave - free website builder with no coding - and FreshMail you can easily suggest signing up to a newsletter.

  1. Sign up to FreshMail.
  2. Go to "Library" and "Forms".

  3. Use a ready newsletter template or create one on your own. 
  4. When you are done, select "Place on page" from the top right corner...

...and copy generated code 

What is left to do is add to your website created in WebWave an HTML element, paste the code and publish a website.