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19 September 2024

Expandable FAQ section

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a drop-down FAQ section using ready-made compositions and how to edit it and add more elements.

Adding a FAQ section.

1. Select one of the sections on the page by clicking on it and then press “+” to add a new section with a composition:


2. After clicking the composition panel will open, now just choose the desired composition and click on it.


3. Done, the composition is added. To test how it works you can go to the website preview in the builder.

Note: Alternatively, you can open the composition panel on the left side of the wizard and drag the corresponding composition to the appropriate section.



Customizing the FAQ section.

1. Open the layers panel and select the FAQ composition, this will highlight it in the layers panel.


2. Find the text you want to change in the layers panel and turn on its visibility (groups from the FAQ composition are numbered from bottom to top).


3. Once the text is visible you can click on it and make changes.


4. When you are done, click again on the change visibility icon in the layers panel to hide the item.



Adding another set of question and answer to the composition.

You can easily extend the FAQ with more elements, you will need to copy one of the groups and add it to the appropriate group through the layers panel and then add the bind.

click on the gif to expand it to full screen